As you are adapting to uncertain economic conditions, you may be looking for ways to reduce your spending. In an effort to save money, some people have even canceled their dental insurance! Are you thinking about doing the same thing? Do not make any rash decisions. Before you cancel your policy, it would be wise to pause for a moment to think about why keeping it may actually be better for your budget than getting rid of it. This blog post touches on a few specific ways in which your insurance plan could help you save money.
Insurance Covers Preventive Care
Most PPO dental insurance policies completely cover the cost of preventive care. Therefore, you may be able to enjoy services like cleanings, exams, routine X-rays, and more for nothing out of pocket. For many people, the value of their preventive services alone outweighs the cost of their annual insurance premium!
You Can Avoid Major Procedures
If you are diligent about visiting your dentist every six months for a cleaning and checkup, you give your dental team an important opportunity. They will be able to diagnose most oral health problems while they are still in their early stages, before they become severe — perhaps even before you notice any symptoms at all. If you end up needing restorative care, you can expect the procedure to be fairly quick, easy, and inexpensive. For example, if you need a filling, the treatment usually takes less than one hour, and with insurance, you may have to pay just 20% of its cost.
But what if you do not have insurance? You might choose not to visit your dentist regularly. Therefore, oral health problems may progress to the point where they are quite serious. For example, you could develop major spots of decay, a painful infection, or advanced gum disease. Such issues can be complex to deal with. You may end up paying several thousand dollars out of pocket.
You Can Protect Your Overall Health
Oral health and overall health are strongly linked. For instance, uncontrolled gum disease is strongly associated with an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, dementia, and other serious medical conditions. If you use your dental insurance policy to take good care of your smile, you could reduce your chances of developing those issues. At the very least, you might delay their onset. Therefore, you could enhance your quality of life and save money on overall care costs.
Is dental insurance worth the money? For most people, the answer to that question is a resounding yes! Learn how to use your policy so you can protect both your oral health and your budget.
Meet the Practice
Northborough Dental Associates is home to a team of experts who are proud to provide high-quality care at competitive prices. Our practice offers the Essential Dental Discount plan, and we accept more than 200 different insurance policies. To learn more about how we may be able to help you save money and enjoy a healthy mouth, contact our office at 508-571-0358.