An urgent oral health problem can pop up at any time. If that ever happens to you, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist ASAP. But what if you are a bit nervous about receiving treatment? Knowing what to expect may ease your anxiety. Read this blog post to learn about the methods that are usually used to treat five of the most common dental emergencies.
It is important to keep in mind that a toothache is not a dental emergency — rather, it is a symptom of a dental emergency. It can be caused by any number of issues. Usually, though, severe toothaches are the result of an infection in a tooth’s innermost layer, called its pulp.
Fortunately, root canal therapy can address the infection and remove the nerve responsible for sending pain signals to the brain. The procedure is much more comfortable than most people believe! Of course, if a tooth is severely damaged, root canal therapy might not be able to preserve it. You may need to get the tooth removed instead.
Chipped/Cracked Tooth
Even if a chipped or cracked tooth does not hurt, you should still see your dentist as soon as you can. Damaged teeth are more vulnerable to infection. Plus, the tooth’s jagged edges might irritate the soft tissues in your mouth.
In most cases, cracked and chipped teeth are repaired with dental bonding. Your dentist will simply mold a tooth-colored resin over your tooth and harden it with a special light. The procedure is fast and can protect your tooth for several years.
Avulsed Tooth
An avulsed tooth, also called a knocked-out tooth, calls for extremely urgent attention. If you properly store the tooth in milk or a tooth preservation kit and get to your dentist within an hour or two of losing it, your dental team may be able to replant it. If they cannot splint it back into place, they will tend to the damage to your oral tissues and educate you about your tooth replacement options.
Lost Filling or Crown
If possible, bring your lost filling or crown with you to your dental appointment. In some cases, lost restorations can easily be reattached. In other cases, though, a restoration is damaged, or the condition of the tooth has changed since it first got its filling or crown. In such instances, your dentist may need to remove damaged tissue from your tooth and design a whole new restoration.
Please note that if your bleeding is severe and life-threatening, you should head to the local emergency room, not your dentist’s office.
However, if you are struggling with persistent (but not heavy) bleeding after oral surgery, your dentist is the person to visit. It is possible that you have some sutures that ruptured and that need to be replaced. Similarly, if there is some mild bleeding from a sports injury or another type of accident, your dentist could help you stitch up the wound.
Emergency dental treatment is nothing to be afraid of. Your dentist will do all they can to make you comfortable while they get your oral health back on track!
Meet the Practice
Northborough Dental Associates is home to a talented team of oral health experts who are proud to provide efficient and fast care for patients in need. If you are suffering from a dental emergency or have questions about what to expect from various treatments, contact our Northborough office at 508-571-0358. We look forward to assisting you.