If your dentist recommends that you undergo root canal treatment in Northborough, you may hesitate to consent to the procedure at first. After all, it has a bad reputation. But did you know that root canal therapy is largely successful, and most people who get it are happy that they did so? In fact, one study conducted in Sweden found that an astonishing 87% of patients had no regrets about committing to the procedure. Why can you go into this treatment with confidence? Read on below to find out.
The Pain Is Not Bad
Despite how root canal therapy is depicted in popular media, is not very painful. In fact, you should feel little to nothing while your dental team is working on your tooth. Afterward, you will likely experience some soreness, but the worst of that should wear off within several days. Once a crown is in place, you can reasonably expect your treated tooth to provide you with long-term, pain-free function.
The Results Last
Estimates vary as to how successful root canal therapy is. Most studies done on the subject show that at least 90% of cases are successful, and the majority of patients enjoy decades of restored function from their treated tooth. In fact, it is fairly common for the results of root canal therapy to endure for a lifetime.
The Risks Are Exaggerated
You might have heard some naysayers claim that root canal therapy can make you sick. There is even a group of people who believe that it is a risk factor for cancer. There is simply no empirical scientific evidence to support such claims. In fact, according to the study cited at the outset of this blog article, an improved health-related quality of life was observed in individuals who started root canal treatment. The same improvement was not noted in patients who opted to undergo an extraction instead.
You Can Save Money
Upfront, a tooth extraction costs less than root canal therapy. However, if you get a tooth removed, it is important that you later get a bridge or dental implant to fill in the empty space. Otherwise, you put yourself at risk of future tooth loss and other complications. Tooth replacement can cost quite a bit, particularly if you opt for a dental implant. It is usually more affordable in the long run to invest in root canal treatment right from the beginning.
Your Smile Will Look Great
Following a root canal, you can choose to get a lifelike porcelain crown placed on your treated tooth. You can expect it to blend in seamlessly with the surrounding dentition. It is unlikely that onlookers will ever know that you had to undergo some dental work.
Root canal therapy might seem scary at first, but it is actually a wonderful treatment. You might even call it an unsung hero in the world of dentistry!
Meet the Practice
The team of dentists and other staff members at Northborough Dental Associates proudly offer a broad range of oral health services in a comfortable, inviting environment. If you have questions about root canal therapy or what to expect from it, we would be pleased to speak with you. Contact us at 508-571-0358.